What to expect of the year 2017?

“Not much…this project is now on-hold.”
I wrote that on the 21st of February – 2017.

I am back in business!!!
Why this ‘doubt’ and sudden stop and then why write about it here? Well, I’m a honest guy and believe the best in people.

When you decide to start up on your own or execute on a new business idea, there is a LOT of small things you have to consider. It should be easy, BUT suddenly you discover a WHOLE new world of terms and decisions you have to relate to.
Everything from designing your OWN business logo to deciding on a 5 year marked strategy.

Some start-ups jump 10 steps ahead and others have difficulties deciding on step one. I’m sort of in between all those good suggestions and advise you can get out there. No longer in doubt about my own skills and what I have to implement into my very own business ‘model’ in order to complete my ‘mission’.

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