Like one time at band camp…No sorry, just kidding. If you are old enough to remember THE best movie of all times in 1999.

I actually didn’t buy it at band camp…BUT I did buy the new and fancy Apple Pen at a Humac store, this summer. Because I have LIKE ALWAYS wanted a stylus pen, since I was very little and wanted to draw/sketch stuff on the computer (in MS Paint, Win95).
I’m a HUGE fan of all Pixar/Dreamworks movies and the whole computer animated universe, so I had to buy it OF CAUSE. Not any other pen…no no…the iPen. And as it only, like ONLY works on a iPad PRO, I had to order one as well (and YES the front glass is already broken on this expencive piece of hardware).
Sooo…is it any good and you use it daily in your professional work life…, sorry…I WANT to, BUT…and it’s actully REALLY nice and handy, like any other Apple product. I’m amazed!!! How realistic the apps and pen makes your drawing/sketching works. It’s like on REAL paper and you can use a ‘filt pen’, ‘olie paint’ and ‘water colours’…all in ONE pen ;o)
I don’t need a LOT of tools and have to go out and buy colours, a new canvas every time, a prof easel and so in order to get started.
I just sit on the couch and work my ‘magic’. And magic it is…look at THIS (on the right).
It’s my new company logo ;o)